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Hernandez, B., & Castellanos, L. . (2021). Agrochemical characterization of the soil for 15 farms in projection towards agroecological transformation in the municipality Santa María, Boyacá. Revista De Investigación Agraria Y Ambiental, 13(1), 15-32.
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Agrochemical characterization of the soil for 15 farms in projection towards agroecological transformation in the municipality Santa María, Boyacá

Área Agrícola
Hernández, B Universidad de Pamplona
Castellanos, L. Docente Universidad de Pamplona

Contextualization: Advance knowledge of soil quality is of great importance in deciding the implementation of crops and the elaboration of fertilization plans.

Knowledge gap: The study contributed to the acquisition of knowledge on the condition and quality of soil physicochemical parameters, as a preliminary step to designing new agricultural practices, where farmers did not have the respective soil analysis, unaware that they can have a heterogeneous composition, even at relatively short distances.

Purpose: The objective was to characterize agrochemically the soils in 15 farms in the municipality of Santa María, to know their natural fertility, where 3 agroecological models will be implemented under the framework of the project "Strategic agroecological development for the strengthening of the productive sector in the Department of Boyacá".

Methodology: The samples were collected in June 2019, after processing in the laboratory, the following results were obtained: pH (potentiometric method in water or in NaF), exchangeable acidity (KCl 1N), Al exchangeable, texture (Bouyucos), CO (Walkley Black %p/v) P (Bray II), S (extraction with Ca(HPO4), interchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na), cation exchange capacity, minor elements (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, by the modified Olsen method), electrical conductivity, N available by laboratory protocols in the form of nitrate and exchangeable ammonium (KCl), ionic relationships in soil (Ca/Mg, Ca+Mg/K, Ca/K, Mg/K).

Results and conclusions: The results obtained in the soil analysis show significant deficiencies in the primary macroelements N, P, K and Ca, however, evidence that the soils have good cation exchange capacity that favors the retention and exchange of nutrients for the plants. Therefore, it is concluded that the soils of the farms under study are suitable for the implementation of agroecological models despite the deficiencies presented by the agrochemical elements, which should be adjusted in the fertilization plans to fill these deficiencies based on the requirements of each crop, by applying organic amendments, phosphoric rocks, calcareous, among others.