
How to Cite

Perdomo Vargas, M., & Cañón Rodríguez, V. F. (2011). Online university welfare —a strategy to strengthen UNAD’s community through the use of TIC’s. Revista De Investigaciones UNAD, 10(2), 109-125.
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Online university welfare —a strategy to strengthen UNAD’s community through the use of TIC’s

Artículo producto de Investigación
Mauricio Perdomo Vargas Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Víctor Fernando Cañón Rodríguez Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Universidad del Rosario, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD
Online education requires the development of different welfare activities in an online campus with the use of TIC and Web 2.0’s tools. This will generate a far more comprehensive, dynamic and interesting virtual learning environment. According to this and as a final result of the present research, a structural proposal is put under UNAD’s community’s consideration, which identifies the elements, types of interaction and subsystems of the Virtual University Welfare System —BUV.