
How to Cite

Arias Arias, N. C., González Guerrero, K., & Padilla Beltrán, J. E. (2010). Distance and virtual education: a necessary difference from the teaching and the training perspectives. Revista De Investigaciones UNAD, 9(3), 207-221.
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Distance and virtual education: a necessary difference from the teaching and the training perspectives

Artículo producto de Investigación
Nubia Constanza Arias Arias Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores
Karolina González Guerrero Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
José Eduardo Padilla Beltrán Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Distance and Virtual Education are currently the educational settings that make a difference from a pedagogical perspective and training of human beings. As set out in Decree 1295 of April 20, 2010, the distance education
programs are those “whose educational methodology is characterized by using teaching strategies - learning to overcome the limitations of space and time between the actors of the educational process. Similarly, the same Decree states that “virtual programs, in addition, require the use of
such networks as the primary environment in which to carry out all or at least eighty percent (80%) of academic activities”.

According to the above definitions is necessary to make a deep reflection
from the pedagogical point of view, that clarifies the influence of the methodologies or virtual learning environments in the formation of the human being beyond the cognition; the paper presented is to develop pedagogical reflection on the training of human beings in the methodology for distance and virtual learning environments

It is hoped that the ideas support to the discussion about the real role of teacher or tutor in the described environments and the basic and professional required competences he must possess as a person in order to attend to people and professionals in these types of education. Comprehension about sense, significance, functions and practices of distance education and virtual education requires educational and pedagogical research becomes a significant progress in the integral formation of human beings in contexts other than being present

As mentioned above, we propose as an object of study from a critical and pedagogical perspective, the issues presented in the Distance and Virtual Education, highlighting the achievements, contradictions and conflicts
over these methodologies, and inviting the teacher researchers and study groups to reflection, dialogue and dialectical reasoning in order to insert an educational and pedagogical character to teaching methodologies being introduced as the future of education.