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Integrar las TIC al currículo en la educación media

Artículo producto de Investigación
Dora Lidia Orjuela Forero UPTC
TThis article is the result of a study that proposes a methodology for curriculum integration of information technology and communication in the middle school level, through a simple case study that takes as its unit of analysis at a tenth grade school and as subunits of analysis to managers, teachers, students and parents with whom it was developed a strategy called “ICT in the classroom.” The methodology raises diagnose integration needs, establishes training programs, plans the process, taking into account the interests of teachers and students, to the implementation of information technology and communication in stages: elementary, basic, enhanced and expert according to the institutional features eventually diagnosed and evaluated to identify strengths and improvement opportunities. This methodology helps to transform teaching practices, enhance learning and impact positively the educational community, from vertical to horizontal relationships and from a traditional curriculum to an integrated curriculum mediated by new technologies.