
How to Cite

Cifuentes, G. M., & Herrán, M. J. (2010). Aplicación de buenas prácticas agrícolas en cebolla cabezona (Allium cepa) y tomate de mesa (Lycopersicum esculentum). Revista De Investigaciones UNAD, 9(2), 497-510.
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Aplicación de buenas prácticas agrícolas en cebolla cabezona (Allium cepa) y tomate de mesa (Lycopersicum esculentum)

Artículo producto de Investigación
Gloria María Cifuentes
Molano José Herrán

In the frame of the project Observatory of Productive "hortifrutiolas" Chains was wanted to be contributed by the analysis of the Good Agricultural Practices in the cultures of onion and of tomato not only in conditions to field opened but also in greenhouse. The Good Agricultural Practices GAP corresponds to activities that aim to improve the production in each of its various processes so as to reduce the risk of toxicity in products and generate health-friendly products. This paper presents a description of the problems that arise in the application of GAP in the two selected crops, seeking answers to how the farmer manages the different processes.

So it is present a summary of the main results that relate to research questions like: What is the application of GAP? What is the impact of GAP in soil, water, air, natural resources? What
is the impact of GAP on the quality of onion (Alliun strain) and table tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum)? How GAP impact on the health of farmers and their families?

The work is done in the region of Alto Ricaurte and Suamux Valley where evidence of the problems of producers in the various links in the chain reified aspects such as control and adjust the humidity and amount of light in greenhouse systems, required for the first 65 to 80% humidity, and days with a good percentage of light to support photosynthesis, otherwise the process of flowering plant and decreases absorption of nutrients. Ventilation is another aspect to consider depending on the area and the existing microclimate and influences flowering and
incidence of pests and diseases.

It is essential to pay special attention to the surrounding flora that is part of the agroecosystems as they are assigned to protect crops such as barriers, host beneficial insects and
protect the storage of water.

The onion bulb thrives on fertile, well drained and loamy clay, it is necessary that his particular care and remain quite severe erosion that present wind erosion, tillage erosion irrational and
lack of land to develop agricultural systems management and ecologically sustainable. It is necessary to strengthen partnership structures environment to improve trade relations, such as brokering, get good prices and services to producers, also the welfare, health workers and their families is essential and indispensable to analyze this factor that is transverse within
GAP factors that influence agricultural production.