
How to Cite

Ñañez, J. (2010). La mujer madre comunitaria y la conculcación de sus derechos por parte del estado colombiano. Revista De Investigaciones UNAD, 9(2), 361-378.
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La mujer madre comunitaria y la conculcación de sus derechos por parte del estado colombiano

Artículo producto de Investigación
Julián Ñañez Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades, ECSAH, unad
The action that the women do, as educative agents, taking care of girls and boys , as well as of young people and women , task that traditionally has been of the private and domestic
spherea, has transcended into the public sphere and that they have made it visible as a productive and valuable job. Equally they have achieved an influence in public community decisions and in building identity. For it the hypothesis is that it is probable that the work of
the community mothers of the ICBF is not valued, respected and remunerated according to the principles of a Social and Democratic State of Rights in the framework of the Political Constitution of Colombia.