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Pineda Ballesteros, E., & Landazábal Cuervo, D. P. (2010). Los clubes de matemáticas apoyados con estrategias de representación del conocimiento, discusión argumentada y modelado estructural. Revista De Investigaciones UNAD, 9(2), 267-273.
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Los clubes de matemáticas apoyados con estrategias de representación del conocimiento, discusión argumentada y modelado estructural

Artículo producto de Investigación
Eliécer Pineda Ballesteros
Diana Patricia Landazábal Cuervo

This paper aims to present a research proposal which incorporates the results of research on the use of informative environments for knowledge representation including, DIGALO, SIMAS and FREESTYLER and proposes strategies to incorporate to the study club.

Some experiences have been consulted related with the implementation of clubs, especially for the study of mathematics whose work (Díez-Palomar, et al, 2007) can be concluded that the students involved in a club working various aspects of mathematics in a different environment than classroom settings, find new applications of mathematics to matters directly related to their experience of everyday life, establishing a dialogue that allows them to explore together different viewpoints from which to tackle the various mathematicians challenges and share
different cultural elements together while solving math problems.

In theory aspects we have considered authors such as George Polya (2002), Javier Aracil Santoja (1986), María Luz Callejo de Vega (1994), Luis Facundo Maldonado (2001) and Reuma de Grot et al (2008), among others. The representation of the knowledge proposes from the use of Simas, the argumentations will be measured with DIGALO and will be modeled using FREESTYLER