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Análisis y aplicación de la fármaco-vigilancia en los productos omega 3 y vitamina e, en las tiendas naturistas de la ciudad de Ibagué, Tolima

Artículo producto de Investigación
Rosendo Cabezas Robayo
Milena Alcócer Tocora
Fredy Benjumea Goez

Given the demand that nowadays present the Medicaments of biological origin, this investigation has taken the analysis of the pharmacovigilance as a principal goal in the marketing of the natural products of free sale in Ibague’s city, having in mind that unlike the allopathic products does not exist a strict control that it allows to watch for the safety and the great quantity of person that they have easy access to these medicaments.

This way, the investigation is carried out bearing three phases in mind: the first one, where it realizes the analysis of the naturist shops and selection of the products; the second one where there are studied specifically two products of major rotation, and in the third one, there is designed specifically two products of major rotation: Omega 3 and Vitamin E, to have current information about the adverse reactions of these and for this reason to contribute to the public health of Ibague’s city.