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Diagnóstico sobre las estrategias pedagógicas propuestas en los cursos de investigación de la universidad nacional abierta y a distancia - UNAD

Artículo producto de Investigación
Eliécer Pineda Ballesteros
Freddy Reynaldo Téllez Acuña
Fedra Lorena Ortiz Benavides
Dignora Inés Páez Giraldo
Diana Patricia Landazábal Cuervo

The accomplishment of a diagnosis of the pedagogic strategies proposed in the investigation courses of the UNAD, it does part of an exercise that tries to design a strategy of technopedagogic innovation for the formation of the research competence in the courses of this investigation area of UNAD; for this was chosen the course “201018 graduate work" at the School of Education Science and have designed and implemented the diagnostic format of the research course made by UNAD auxiliary teachers.

In making the above assessment of the course in the following aspects, director human Variables, content, activities, educational intentions, institutional coherence, evaluation, and as cross curricular: research competences, there were more weaknesses than strengths in the development research competences and those related to educational tech field.

Although professional studies and research experience of course leaders are outstanding, the educational intentions consistent with the level of education, high degree of relevance to the contents of the course and have a specification of activities to develop cognitive competences related to research training and as: observation, classifying, distinguish, analyzing, synthesize, modeling, representing and communicating, has marked weaknesses in the techno - pedagogical aspect, in research policies arising from the research system of the National Open University and Distance-Siunad and content that are unrelated to the cognition goal as a fundamental element in the development of research projects and especially in the
process of research training.