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Following the footsteps of the sun festivities. Social and cultural context of historical events as a contribution to the construction of the heritage in the formation of identity boyacense

Artículo de Reflexión
Francy Marizol Rojas Parra Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica
This paper is the result of a dedicated research based on the collective memory and wealthiness of the traditional events, symbols and representations of the festivities in honour of the sun; which provide for the construction of historical events and the identity formation,. It should be pointed out that from time immemorial our indigenous pay solemn tributes to the sun, offering a sacred, magical and religious respect as their maximum deity. As their god, provided life and enlighten nature putting away darkness. For that reason, in many places worldwide this tradition is still preserved and the festivities hold the significant name as the solstice sun or festivities of the Sun, becoming the perfect scenario for anciant events. Apart from being a cultural lineage of a profound ritual significance for de indigenous and for the present communities or groups, these expressions have a strong social commitment; Which not only influence a feeling of identity and continuity but also are a real melting pot of the cultural diversity, inherent in the living heritage which permanently evolves and at the same time, is threaten by the influences of globalization as well as the different conflicts that convene the cultural disintegration.