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Analyses of the results of national test from the National University open and distance (2008 – 2009) Case CEAD Santa Marta

Suly Castro Molinares UNAD CEAD Acacías.
Luis Ospino Castro UNAD CEAD
Nelson Leal Bolaño UNAD CEAD Santa Marta.
Luz Dávila Coa UNAD CEAD Santa Marta.
Gustavo Meneses Rivas UNAD CEAD Santa Marta.
This study is descriptive. were the results of the national tests applied to students of UNAD, CEAD Santa Marta were analyzed The study sample was selected through stratified random sampling and represented by 2058 results of the total obtained in tests that were applied in both ways, virtual and traditional courses during 2008 and 2009. The average scores obtained were 2.51 (I-2008), 2.37 (I-2008) and 2.55 (I-2009), the lowest averages were obtained students ECAPMA, the ECBTI and ECACEN respectively, overtaken by the ECEDU and ECSAH. The average grades in online courses were 2.51, and 2.43 in traditional courses. The CEAD Santa Marta students showed a poor performance in national tests. We found no statistically significant differences between the grades of traditional schools and virtual courses. The numeric content courses had
the higher level of failing grade, however communicative skills courses had a high level too.