
How to Cite

Dworaczek Conde, H. O. (2014). Classroom projects, a successful experience of formative research. Revista De Investigaciones UNAD, 13(2), 131-142.
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Classroom projects, a successful experience of formative research

Reporte de Caso
Helga Ofelia Dworaczek Conde Universitaria Agustiniana

This paper seeks to provide a theoretical framework based on sociology and anthropology and to make a methodological scheme using the approaches by Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown, Bronislaw Malinowsky and Émile Durkheim; capturing also the importance of the contextualized research through the perspective view displayed by the Tofflers in Revolutionary Wealth, and thus revealing the evolution of the economic society.

From a globalized education approach, the study made by the professor Ricardo Mosquera has also been joint, retaking the Augustinian pedagogical proposal, which illustrates educational experiences such as classroom projects, the achievements made in the cognitive and skilling process, and the reinforcement of values in the teachinglearning process of students, teachers and administrative officers as a social network of knowledge.