
How to Cite

Aguilar Alejandro, G. G. ., & Neme Everardo, R. (2022). The Influencers in consumer purchasing decision-making. Publicaciones E Investigación, 16(2).
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The Influencers in consumer purchasing decision-making

Artículo original
Gloria Guadalupe Aguilar Alejandro Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Ramon Neme Everardo Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México

Over time consumer behavior has been changing according to their new habits and needs, and with it, new technologies have been evolving hand in hand, so it is due that companies are adapting to new trends.

The so-called influencers or content creators have generated great commotion among consumers and especially in the big brands that have implemented them, obtaining great sales results, but, how big is the impact that these influencers have come to have to be an important point in the consumer's purchase decision making? This is a question that perhaps many of us have asked ourselves, that is why the objective of this research is to know "the impact of influencers in the purchase decision making of consumers".

Therefore, in this research we will analyze influencer marketing for which a survey has been applied and analyzed the case of one of the most popular influencers in Mexico. On the other hand, a discussion was made regarding the results of these two applied researches, at the end we conclude with a verdict on what was previously analyzed and specifying if the expected objectives of this research were reached in addition to a fact about influencer marketing.