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Digital marketing strategies in customer relationship management (CRM) in pymes companies in Tabasco, Mexico

Estudio de casos
Jorge Rebollo Meza Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México
Aída Dinorah García Alvarez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México
Bitia Sarid Altonar De La Cruz Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México

The use of marketing techniques is important in an organization, since they boost sales and retain customers, and for this reason it is necessary to study them in the context of SMEs. The objective of this paper is to determine how important is the use of marketing and advertising strategies in SMEs.


As for service, this is the fundamental experience in which the contact between the organization and the client takes place, and the way this relationship is carried out depends on the conservation or loss of a client. This is a documentary and descriptive research. The information is integrated through documents with official and statistical information, where the organizations visualize the service as the essential element in which lies the very meaning of their existence and relevance. The service in the organization essentially seeks to satisfy those needs presented by the client, which is why it can be stated then that the absence of demand for services does not allow organizations to develop projects that revolve around it. Faced with the service as an essential factor in the organization, several tools have been developed in order to have a continuous improvement in meeting the needs of customers, and a continuous attention taking into account the importance of digital marketing where one of them is the implementation of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management), which in this article is presented as a tool that is of great impact on the services provided by SMEs to bring continuity with customers.