
How to Cite

Jerónimo Ramos, D. I., Martínez Prats, G. ., & Silva Hernández, F. . (2022). Inventory control proposal in a food company. Publicaciones E Investigación, 16(1).
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Inventory control proposal in a food company

Artículo original
Diana Idalí Jerónimo Ramos Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México
Germán Martínez Prats Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México
Francisca Silva Hernández Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, México

Currently, companies face an internal control problem that leads them to neglect their inventories based on traditional methods that today are not efficient enough for the management of the control of their inventories. Internal control is nothing more than planning to organize and coordinate all the methods of a company. As well as the actions taken by the company to protect its assets and verify its accuracy and reliability of accounting data, improving operational efficiency and motivating it to comply with the management policies established by the management agency or management. Inventory control allows greater knowledge, order and control of the entries, exits and location of goods, as well as reduces losses, optimizes warehouse space and increases the attention of existence (recognizing theft and loss).

The main objective and benefit of this control is to facilitate the activities of companies to promote the sale of products and services, balance tasks to meet supply and demand, and complement the organizational culture of the company with the position of the brand and its exposure in public. Perception and the competitive market.