
How to Cite

López Rodríguez, A. L. ., Sierra Rodríguez, M. A. ., Mendoza Patiño, D. E. ., Barriga Barriga, C. L. ., & Plazas Quintero, D. M. . (2021). Digital marketing with ICT applications and neuromarketing in tourism. Publicaciones E Investigación, 15(4).
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Digital marketing with ICT applications and neuromarketing in tourism

Original article
Alba Ligia López Rodríguez
Manuel Antonio Sierra Rodríguez
Diego Ernesto Mendoza Patiño
Claudia Lilian Barriga Barriga
Doly Mildred Plazas Quintero

Tourism has been considered a high-growth sector in Colombia for about a decade, because it has the ability to involve a large sector of companies (MiPymes) that can be linked to the tourism chain, but it lacks digital marketing strategies that allow it to enter in today's market. Thus, the objective of this research is to develop tourism products with ICT applications (AR and VR) and neuromarketing concepts, to insert them into digital marketing strategies. The research methodology is exploratory and descriptive for the survey of the State of the Art, from which this document is derived. From this information, the applied part will be made for an undertaking. The results show the importance of involving technological innovation for tourism with clear neuromarketing strategies so that its insertion within digital marketing is successful for the development of tourism in a specific destination.