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Quintero Gil, C. M., & Rueda Quijano, H. (2024). Optimizing conditions for the development process of the sponge liquid bread mold through a factorial design. Publicaciones E Investigación, 2(2), 43-50.
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Optimizing conditions for the development process of the sponge liquid bread mold through a factorial design

Artículo original
Claudia Marcela Quintero Gil
Helio Rueda Quijano

The bread in its many forms is one of the oldest and most widely food consumed by humanity, its appearance is not known for sure, but it is presumed that he was in the Middle East, where he began to cultivate wheat. Due to its development in different cultures have been many developments in technology and industry, however all the processes that are designed to make bread have had a common purpose and simple, the conversion of wheat four in a food spongy and appetizing.

This objective has been achieved through a series of stages are common as the mixture of water and four with yeast, salt and other ingredients individuals in appropriate proportions; the generation of specific aroma and favor through fermentation and the development a structure of gluten in combination with the application of mechanical energy during the kneading and the subsequent acquisition of a fixed and final structure consistent with a nice color through the baking.

To achieve this goal which is based on the fermentation of the baking industry has created the term to refer to a sponge pre whose primary function is precisely to change the favor and aroma and contribute to the development of the mass through changes in the properties rheological properties of the mixture. Among the ingredients of the sponge is drawn to the food for yeast known as (APL) that has the primary role of regulating the fermentation through the right mix of ingredients both qualitatively and quantitatively.

The study of this combination was raised in this paper using a factorial design of experiments with statistical treatment looking to evaluate the effects of the formulation in combination with the temperature on a response variable called gasification power which indirectly measured the development of the fermentation Liquid sponges that serve as a basis for the preparation of bread mold.

The results made it possible to defne a design and the apl an optimum temperature at which the variable response reached the maximum values desired. This whole study was supported permanently on a statistical method that provided power to reach accurate conclusions, and apply the knowledge acquired during the specialization in Process Engineering in Food and biomaterials.