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Analysis of the transversal competence of financial education during the training of the student in educational sciences of the UJAT

Artículo original
Manuel Jerónimo Juárez Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Dalila Vera Hernández Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Rigoberto García Cupil Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 modified all the traditionally operative schemes applicable to the various human groups, in turn, exacerbated social problems that range from economic precariousness, unemployment, maladjustment, rejection of educational approaches in virtuality, even the high competitiveness in labor markets, which have revealed the notable digital and economic gaps that various theorists had previously pointed out. Undoubtedly, the economic component has been decisive for the level of participation and presence in virtuality by university students, as analyzed with a sample of 100 students of Education Sciences of the UJAT, since it is through this one that accesses technological devices and internet connections, so necessary for the virtual presence. Therefore, the research work called "analysis of the transversal competence of financial education during the student's training in educational sciences at UJAT", allowed to know the main factors of influence on financial education and the impact on training. integral of students of Sciences of the Education of the UJAT. Under a quantitative design, with a descriptive study and the survey as an instrument.