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Formulation of a Canned Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and Hot Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum L) as an industrial alternative in the tuna sector.

Original article
Ronald Marsiglia Fuentes Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia - UNAD
Miguel José Hernández Blanco Universidad Federal de Viçosa
Juan Camilo Mendoza Combatt Universidad Federal de Viçosa
María Paulina Mendoza Combatt Universidad Federal de Viçosa

Tuna intake has acquired great importance due to the adoption of healthy lifestyles by the people who consume it, which is why the demands for quality and sensory characteristics are increasing every day at an international, national and local level. In the production of precooked tuna loins, by-products called grated and pieces are obtained; which are rejected by the client, so a specific use must be determined. Resolution 0148 of 2007 establishes technical requirements that canned tuna must meet. A canned tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L. variety Baccatum) was developed. Two formulations with chili pepper (whole chili pepper and chopped chili pepper) were proposed seeking to meet the technical requirements of the Colombian resolution and the sensory acceptance of an untrained group of 22 panelists. Results were obtained according to the specified technical requirements of net weight, drained weight and oil percentage of the final product. The formulations with the addition of chili peppers had similar acceptance to canned commercial tuna (standard sample), for which reason the implementation of the formulation with chivato chili peppers is considered an innovative proposal that would bring nutritional, economic, and sociocultural advantages.