Access to Justice in Times of COVID-19, Tabasco, Mexico Case
In order to strengthen and guarantee access to justice as a human right, the justice system in Mexico must provide for social interest and public order. Because it is listed as an essential activity for all the governed. In times of pandemic contingency, the state authority must unanimously seek to protect and safeguard the Human Rights of life and public health. Reason why, the State must be in charge of implementing new norms and sanitary measures to guarantee these Rights. The new judicial normality is showing that orality and digitalization will survive together and will be strengthened, since the first element brings speed to matters, while technological and electronic means allow the continuity of the service, especially that it broadens the catalog of the Access to Justice. Therefore, this document addresses in a particular and substantial way the prompt strategy of the Judicial Power of the state of Tabasco to grant and guarantee access to justice in times of pandemic, proving to be a positive driver, to break paradigms of access to justice in the state of Tabasco. For this, the natural law currents better known as natural law and iuspositivism called positive law were used.