
How to Cite

Cruz B., C. A., Laclette, J. P., & Sarrazola S., M. (2010). Analysis of the population of Foxp3 regulatory T cells in the murine model of intestinal amebiasis. NOVA Biomedical Sciences Journal, 8(13), 20-26.
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Analysis of the population of Foxp3 regulatory T cells in the murine model of intestinal amebiasis

Research Article (before OJS)
Claudia Andrea Cruz B. Universidad de Pamplona.
Juan Pedro Laclette Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Mauricio Sarrazola S. Universidad de Pamplona.
Amebiasis is a parasitic infection caused by E. histolytica, its incidence is higher in developing countries. Recently we have studied the role of Treg cells in several parasitic diseases, which can have beneficial or harmful. The goal of this project was to investigate the role of Treg cells in an immunosuppressive phenomenon previously observed on mouse model of intestinal amoebiasis. Thus, the behavior of Treg population cells was studied at different periods post-infection. However, the results suggest that Treg cells are not involved in this phenomenon of immunosuppression.