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Role of mitochondrial-derived peptide humanin as a therapeutic target in cancer and neurodegeneration

Article of Review (before OJS)
Antonela Sofía Asad
Camila Florencia Zuccato
Alejandro Javier Nicola Candia
María Florencia Gottardo
Mariela Alejandra Moreno Ayala
María Susana Theas
Adriana Seilicovich
Marianela Candolfi

Humanin is a mitochondrial-derived peptide which shows robust protective effects against large series of cytotoxic stimuli in many cell types. This makes it an interesting therapeutic target for many diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, among others. Furthermore, this peptide could be used as a biomarker for such diseases. Over the last decade, humanin analogs and peptide mimetics have been developed, which exert highly promising results in preclinical models. Besides, the therapeutic potential of gene therapy vectors that overexpress or silence endogenous humanin is under evaluation. Nonetheless, its possible role in cancer progression and chemoresistance are critical issues
to be addressed before translating these therapeutic approaches to the clinic. All these matters will be covered in this review.