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Avances y perspectivas en Síndrome de Asperger
Wolff Sula. The history of autism. European children and adolescence psychiatry. 2004; 13:201-308.
Klin Ami, Asperger syndrome: an update. Revista Brasilera de psiquiatría. 2003; 25(2): 103-109.
Klin Ami. Asperger syndrome, Infant mental health Journal. 2001; 22 (6): 676.
Asperger syndrome coalition of the United States. Asperger syndrome, Harvard mental health letter. 2005.
Volkmar, F. Asperger´s Disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2000; 157: 2.
Atwood, Tony, Asperger syndrome. Orphanet enciclopedia. 2003.
Charman, Tony, The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders, European child and adolescence psychiatry. 2011; 249-256.
Wing Lorna, The epidemiology of Autistic Spectrum disorders: is the prevalence rising?. Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews. 2002; (8): 151-161.
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
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World Health Organization. The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural disorders. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1992.
Attwood Tony, Síndrome de asperger una guía para los padres y los profesionales l997 editor Jessica Kingsly, pág. 176.
Webb, E. Prevalence of autistic spectrum disorder in children attending mainstream schools in a welsh education authority, Developmental Medicine and Child neurology 2003; 15: 377-381.
Fombonne, E, What is the prevalence of Asperger Disorder?, Journal of autism and Developmental disorders. 2001; 31:3.
Howlin P, The diagnosis of autism and Asperger Syndrome; findings from a survey of 770 families, Developmental Medicine and child Neurology. 1999; 41:831-839.
Foster B, Asperger syndrome: to be or not to be? Current opinion in Paediatrics. 2003;15: 491-494.
Aviva F, Characterization and comparison of autistic subgroups: 10 years experience with autistic children, Developmental medicine and child Neurology. 1999; 41:21-25.
Klin Ami, Asperger syndrome; Guidelines for assessment and Diagnosis, 1995, Learning Disabilities Association of America.
Smith Myles B, Introduction to the special Issue on Asperger, Focus on Autism and other developmental disabilities. 2002;17(3):130-131.
Bax M, Diagnoses made too late, Developmental medicine and child neurology. 1999; 41: 795.
Blacher J, Asperger syndrome and high functioning autism, Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2003; 16: 535-542.
Mats C and Gillberg C. One hundred males with asperger syndrome, Developmental medicine and child neurology. 2004; 46:652-660.
Smith Myles B, Asperger syndrome: An overview of characteristics, Focus on Autism and other developmental disabilities. 2002; 17(3): 132-137.
Szatmari P, two year outcome of preschool children with autism and asperger syndrome, American journal of Psychiatry. 2000; 157: 1980-1987.
Naidu A, Diagnosis of Asperger syndrome in a 66yearold male presenting with depression, International psycho geriatrics. 2006; 18(1):171-173.
Kadesjö, B, Brief report: Autism and Asperger syndrome in seven year old children: a total population study, Journal of autism and developmental disorders.1999; 29(4): 327-331.
Walker D. Specifying PDD-NOS; a comparison of PDD-NOS, asperger syndrome, and autism, Journal of American academy o child and adolescence psychiatry. 2004; 43(2):172-180.
Eaton William, obstetric complications and risk for severe psychopathology en childhood, Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2001;31(3):279-285.
Oktem F, functional Magnetic Resonance Image in children with asperger syndrome, Journal of Child Neurology. 2001;16(4): 252-256.
Hower K, Voxel-based morphometry elucidates structural neuroanatomy of high-functioning autism and Asperger syndrome, Developmental medicine and child neurology. 2004. 46: 760-764.
Casanova M, Asperger syndrome and cortical neuropathology, Journal of Child Neurology. 2002. 17:142-144.
Justin B, Forensic aspects of Asperger syndrome, the journal of forensic psychiatry and psychology. 2004;15(1): 96-197.
Volkmar F, Klin A, Nosological and genetic aspects of Asperger Syndrome, Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 1998; 28(5):457-463.
Tentler D A candidate region for Asperger syndrome define by two 17p breakpoints, European journal of human genetics. 2002;11:189-195.
Ylisaukko-oja-T, genome-wide scan for loci of Asperger syndrome, molecular psychiatry. 2004; 9:161-168.
Campbell J, Diagnostis Assement of Asperger’s Disorder: a reviw of five third-party rating scales, Journal of Austism and developmental disorders, 2005; 35(1): 25-35.
Ehlers S, Gillberg C, Wing L, A screening questionnaire for Asperger syndrome and otherhigh- functioning austism specrum disorders in school age children, Journal or autism and developmental disorder. 1999; 29(2): 129 -141.
Attwood Tony, El syndrome de Asperger, una guía para la familia 2002, Editorial Paidós Iberica, Barcelona, España.
Maj-Britt P, Gillberg C, autistic features in a total population of 7-9 year old children assessed by the ASSQ (autism spectrum screenin questionnaire), journal of child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2006; 47(2):167-175.
Dickerson S, Calhoun S, influence of IQ and age in childhood austism: lack of support for DSM-IV asperger’s disorder; Journal of developmental and physical disabilities. 2004; 16,3: 257-272.
Blacher J, et al, Asperger syndrome and high functioning autism: research concerns and emerging foci, Current opinion in Psychiatry. 2003;16: 535-542.
Ghaziuddin M, Asperger syndrome: associated psychiatric and medical conditions, Focus on autism and other developmental disabilities. 2002; 17(3): 138-144.
Schatz A, et al, Brief report: attention differences in asperger syndrome, Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2002; 34: 333-336.
Rusell E, et al, Anxiety and social worries in children with asperger syndrome, Australian an New Zealand journal of psychiatry. 2005; 39: 633-638.
Ghaziuddin M, Ghaziuddin N. Comorbidity of Asperger syndrome; a preliminary report. 1998; 42(4): 279-283.
Gillberg C. Autism and asperger syndrome: coesistence with other clinical disorders, Acta psychiatica scandinavica. 2000; 102: 321-330.
Gillberg C, Head circumference in autism, asperger syndrome and ADHD; a comparative study, Developmental medicine and chil neurology. 2002; 11: 296-300.
Little L. Peer victimizacion of children with asperger spectrum disorders, Journal of the American academy of child and adolescent psychiatry. 2001; 40(9):995-996.
Tara A. Lavelle, Milton C. Weinstein, Joseph P. Newhouse, Kerim Munir, Karen A. Kuhlthau, and Lisa A. Prosser. Economic Burden of Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorders. Pediatrics 2014; 133: 520-529.
El-Fishawy P., State M. The Genetics of autismo: Key Issues, Recent Findings, and Clinical Implications. Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2010; (33): 83–105.
Sarabeth Broder-Fingert, Amy Shui, Christian D. Pulcini, Daniel Kurowski, and James M. Perrin. Racial and Ethnic Differences in Subspecialty Service Use by Children With Autism, Pediatrics. 2013; 132: 94-100.
Trastornos del espectro autista. Puesta al día (I): introducción, epidemiología y etiología. D. Martín Fernández-Mayoralas, et al. Acta Pediatr Esp. 2013; 71(8): 217-223.
Kiah Bertoglio, Robert L. Hendren, New Development in Autism. Psychiatric Clinics of North America 2009; (32): 1–14.
Plauche C., Myers J. Identification and Evaluation of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Pediatrics. 2007; 120; 118.
Rich Stoner, Ph.D., Maggie L. Chow, Ph.D., Maureen P. Boyle, Ph.D., Susan M. Sunkin, Ph.D., Peter R. Mouton, Ph.D., Subhojit Roy, M.D., Ph.D., Anthony Wynshaw-Boris, M.D., Ph.D., Sophia A. Colamarino, Ph.D., Ed S. Lein, Ph.D., and Eric Courchesne, Ph.D. Patches of Disorganization in the Neocortex of Children with Autism. New England Journal. 2014; 370: 1209-1219.
Chawarska K, Campbell D, Chen L, Shic F, Klin A, Chang J. generalized overgrowth in boys with autism. Archives of General Psychiatry. Jama Phsychiatry. 2011; 68: 1021-31.
Hazlett HC, Poe MD, Gerig G, et al. Early brain overgrowth in autism associ- ated with an increase in cortical surface area before age 2 years. Archives of General Psychiatry. Jama. 2011; 68: 467-76.
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