Articulo resultado de investigación
Published 2021-09-23
Artículos de Investigación

Business Intelligence data visualization for decision making

Marco Antônio Weis Filho Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Larissa Medianeira Bolzan Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Walter Ruben Iriondo Universidade Federal de Pelotas

This work aimed to understand how data visualization tools in Business Intelligence can contribute to decision-making in organizations. It is an exploratory study developed as a case study of a Public Institution of Higher Education in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). With the Power BI tool, it was possible to integrate the Institution's databases and develop dashboards that support decision-making on the allocation of resources based on gender issues of the students; on the number of new participants per course; on the number of participants by state; of students dropping out of each course and each state; on the number of students with special needs; and on the teaching modality chosen by the students. It is concluded that data visualization through Power BI allows making decisions to properly size the physical and logical infrastructure of the Institution.

keywords: decision making, Business Intelligence, university management, Power BI, Information Engineering, dashboards, case study
How to Cite
Weis Filho, M. A. ., Medianeira Bolzan, L. ., & Iriondo , W. R. (2021). Business Intelligence data visualization for decision making: a case study with the Power BI. EducaT: Educación Virtual, Innovación Y Tecnologías, 2(2), 35-49.
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