
How to Cite

Medina Pedraza, E. C. ., & Rozo Suárez, J. V. . (2022). Observations on Formative Evaluation in Teachers of the School of Educational Sciences - ZCBOY UNAD. EducAcción Sentipensante, 2(1), 30 - 37.
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Observations on Formative Evaluation in Teachers of the School of Educational Sciences - ZCBOY UNAD

Edgar Crisanto Medina Pedraza
Juana Valentina Rozo Suárez

The observation of the formative evaluation practices allows a process of reflection to detect spaces for improvement. Making an initial diagnosis of the use and appropriation of the Formative Evaluation is the main objective of the application of the measurement instrument. In this way, the School of Education Sciences of the National Open and Distance University UNAD - Zona Centro Boyacá ZCBOY - Colombia has implemented an instrument inspired by an instrument created by the CIFE University Center of Mexico that allows evaluating and observing the formative evaluation processes applied by teachers. From the application of this instrument, it is possible to show that there are advances in formative evaluation, but that there are also areas of opportunity for the improvement of the application of these processes. The main areas of opportunity are represented in the correction based on the follow-up, the selfevaluation processes of the teachers, their training, and the increase in counseling and permanent monitoring of the students. Among the most relevant conclusions, it is found that it is essential to maintain the process of observation of formative assessment practices and their implementation in order to improve the process from the teaching practice.