About the magazine

About the magazine

The formative research journal EducAcción Sentipensante of the School of Education Sciences is a setting for the construction, production and socialization of knowledge, which encourages interaction, dialogue of knowledge and collaborative work between the academic body and undergraduate and postgraduate students, members of research groups and seedbeds of the UNAD, as well as external universities, whose interest is focused on the educational field and that due to the high impact, quality and potential of replication of their research contributions, deserve to be made visible in this academic setting.

Focus and scope

The EducAcción Sentipensate magazine is interested in disseminating the knowledge of the academic body and of undergraduate and graduate students, members of UNAD research groups and seedbeds, as well as external universities whose interest is focused on the field of education. In this sense, its reading public is made up, primarily, by the academic community at the national level interested in learning more about the relevant and contemporary discussions that arise in different themes related to education.

The magazine specializes in addressing issues related to the field of education, at all educational levels.

  • Educational praxis
  • Pedagogical speech
  • Quality and policies for education
  • Pedagogy
  • Didactics
  • Curriculum
  • Inclusive, alternative, gender education
  • Educational contexts
  • Tutorial action
  • Experiences and good practices in education
  • Popular education
  • Educational innovation
  • Pedagogical means and mediations

Articles on these topics are welcome from any methodology, level of analysis, perspective, academic-social geographic context, sector, and type of initiative in public or private education (initial, primary, secondary, or higher education) and business. The school is interested in exposing new trends, challenges, and opportunities for education.


It is published semi-annually. The call for submission of articles remains permanent throughout the year.


It is published in an electronic version, available at the following site: https://hemeroteca.unad.edu.co/

Publication languages

Articles written entirely in Spanish or English are accepted. Therefore, if it contains textual citations in another language, the author must carry out the translation and standardize the language of the article. The author(s) must also take responsibility for the quality and accuracy of it. If the article is written in Spanish, the title, abstract and keywords must also be presented in English.

Type of items

Table 1. Typology of accepted articles and expected quality

Article of scientific and technological research

Presents original results of completed research projects or innovation projects.

Its structure and writing respond to introduction, theoretical framework/literature review, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions. Maximum 15 pages.

Article of


Present the analytical, interpretative, or critical position of the author on a particular topic, and they base their arguments on results from their work and / or in relevant literature.

Its analysis and writing respond to the position of author (s), its suggested structure is: introduction, literature review, reflection, conclusions and references. Maximum 10 pages.

Article of


It presents the current state of knowledge on a subject and the authors establish their contribution, their experience, their position; in order to account for the progress, explain challenges or trends.

Its analysis and writing respond to the bibliographic review and citation of a maximum of 20 relevant and preferable references from the last decade. Its suggested structure is introduction, literature review, discussion, conclusions and references. Maximum 10 pages.

Short article

Presents the preliminary or partial results of an original investigation

its analysis and writing respond to the clarity and specificity of results that require prompt disclosure. Its suggested structure is introduction, theoretical framework/literature review, methodology, preliminary or partial results, preliminary conclusions, and references. Maximum 10 pages.

Report of


It presents results of a particular situation in order to make known methodological, didactic or technical experiences of a specific case.

its analysis and writing respond to the review of similar cases. Its suggested structure is introduction, description of the case, results, conclusions and references. Maximum 10 pages.

Topic review

It presents a very critical review, from a theoretical or practical perspective, of the literature on a specific topic.

its analysis and writing respond to a critical review and an academic contribution or of good practice in the area of ​​knowledge that is being evaluated. Its suggested structure is introduction, theoretical framework, critical analysis, conclusions, and references. Maximum 15 pages.

Source: Adapted from Gutiérrez, N. (2020). EducaT Magazine. ECEDU-UNAD.

Declaration of originality and transparency

  1. Articles must be unpublished.
  2. Not submitted at the same time to any other print or digital publication.
  3. The journal does not assume the opinions expressed in the articles it publishes, since this responsibility is assumed by the authors who have produced the new knowledge published in the article.
  4. The author (s) will be kept informed during the different stages of the editorial process.

Article handling fees

The journal does not make charges or fees for the processing of articles (Article Processing Charge [APC]) submitted by authors. There is also no charge for submitting articles to peer review.

Copyright, Copyright and Confidentiality

The journal also recognizes the right of citation and the edition and publication contract between the author and the Editorial Seal, as copyrights to be protected. And in this sense, the magazine declares that it will respect all the actions that emanate from this right to our authors. Therefore, all the necessary measures will be implemented to guarantee that the contents of the articles are confidential throughout the process prior to publication.

Open access policy

The journal makes freely available the published articles to support all audiences with global and quality knowledge, in order to boost their academic and professional performance. Thus, the journal is licensed under the Creative Commons License 4.0.

Attribution Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike (by-nc-sa): No commercial use of the original work or any derivative works is permitted, distribution of which must be made under a license equal to that governing the original work. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-ncsa/4.0/

Ethics in publication and good practices  

In editorial management: a) the use of the DOI to publish the approved articles of our authors, before the final printed or digital publication. b) the management of the journal process through the Open Journal System. c) the availability of the website to facilitate communication with our national and international audiences (https://hemeroteca.unad.edu.co/).

In knowledge management: the journal is committed to ensuring the ethics of the articles, aligning itself with the guidelines set by Elsevier and with the Code of Conduct and Best Practices for Editors of Scientific Journals defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). On the other hand, the measures that the journal will take to enforce its anti-plagiarism policies are: a) Application and use of Turnitin software in the articles submitted. b) The result is communicated to the author(s) when their similarity is greater than 20%). Finally, to avoid any conflict of interest, authors are invited and -in the case of collective articles- to clearly specify the contribution of each author or the existing bias.

According to APA standards, possible sources of bias are considered to be the actions of authors involved in the research related to the earning of salaries, consulting fees and research grants in direct relation to products or services studied in the research. Also, if the authors are copyright holders and/or the beneficiaries of a product or service used or addressed in the study, as well as the relationship of the authors with an entity or person involved in the development of the study.

Once you have read the above publication policy, select one of the following alternatives and inform us of this information through a letter attached to the manuscript. A) Neither the author(s) of the submitted article nor their immediate family(ies) has (have) any significant financial arrangement or affiliation with products and services used or discussed in the article or any other potential bias against another product or service. B) The author(s) of the submitted article has (have) significant financial involvement or affiliation with products or services used or addressed in the article. C) If the second alternative is chosen, list in the letter the service or product used or addressed in the study and the relationship to each of them (e.g., research grants, employment relationship, etc.).

Editorial process and workflow.

Peer review process

All articles submitted by authors for publication undergo review by an internal peer. This process consists of pre-selection, review of compliance with requirements and submission for evaluation by a specialist in the field. The pairs will use the evaluation format established by the journal. Once the evaluation is completed, the authors will receive one of the following concepts: Approved without modifications, Approved with minor modifications, Approved with major modifications, Not approved. The time between receipt and the first response from the arbitrators is up to one month and the time between receipt and the estimated time for publication is a maximum of 6 months.

Approval process

The Editor and the Editorial Committee of the magazine are the bodies that decide the publication of the originals. We clarify that the sending of material does not oblige its publication. Formatting errors and non-compliance with the journal's rules or serious errors in spelling and syntactic correction may be grounds for rejection of the work without passing it to evaluation.

Editorial team

In accordance with the guidelines of the UNAD Editorial Seal and for an effective and efficient management of science, the journal has: 

-A Scientific Committee, chaired by the leaders of ECEDU research groups, who are experts in the area of ​​knowledge addressed by the journal, of formative research, said committee will be in charge of permanently advising and reviewing current construction trends of knowledge in the area, to guarantee the permanent quality of the publication.

-An Editorial Committee chaired by the ECEDU program leaders, who are experts in the topics to be discussed, know first-hand the needs and requirements of the school's programs and can contribute from their areas, to the review and endorsement of the themes of each issue if required, also effectively support the dissemination of the magazine.

Editorial Standards and APA

In accordance with the regulations that recommend the use of APA standards, this journal is aligned with these quality guidelines in academic writing and declares that its editorial standards are in accordance with those indicated by the university. Therefore, recommendations are offered for authors that they should take into account when submitting their articles for evaluation and publication (visit https://hemeroteca.unad.edu.co/, in the Information for authors section https: // repository.unad.edu.co/static/pdf/Norma_APA_7_Edicion.pdf ).


As part of the submission process, it will be necessary for authors to fill out the article submission form and verify that their document complies with the elements described in the editorial policy. Articles or manuscripts that do not comply with these guidelines will be rejected or returned to the authors for correction, as the case may be.


The article must be submitted in Microsoft Word format, be adjusted to the template, and be within the number of pages limit according to its typology, including abstracts (Spanish + English), keywords (Spanish + English), footnotes, list of references, appendices and authors' personal data (the latter should not appear in the article, it must be registered in this form. Acknowledgements are optional)