Published 2022-02-01

Figuración posthumanimal. Una mirada sobre la obra visual y performática de El Pelele

Andrea Torrano

Critical Posthumanism, referenced by Rosi Braidotti, questions the category of “the human” on which was established a system of classification and hierarchy among the living. Art has joined to this, exploring the ways in which posthuman subjectivities challenge traditional human/animal distinctions. This article proposes the posthumanimal figuration to conceptualize contemporary alternative subjectivity, which allows characterizing posthumanimal hybridization, as a human-animal co-constitution, and posthumananimal becoming, in terms of a transformation of the subject on itself and with others. The visual and performative work of the artist El Pelele accounts for this posthumanimal animal figuration as experimentation and artistic-political imagination. 

keywords: Art, Braidotti, El Pelele, Posthumanism, Posthumanimal figuration

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

How to Cite
Torrano, A. (2022). Figuración posthumanimal. Una mirada sobre la obra visual y performática de El Pelele. Desbordes, 13(1), 149-170.
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