Published 2023-03-22

Young people mobilized during the pandemic in Colombia

Ginneth Esmeralda Narváez Jaimes

The pandemic scenario in Latin America has deepened social inequalities and discontent among the population. In Colombia, this economic-pandemic crisis had a powering and radical citizen response that led people to defy the virus and democratic institutions by occupying the streets, demanding to be heard. Several protests waves had been experienced earlier. They had started on November 21, 2019 with the National Strike, called 21N, and partially ceased with the pandemic and confinement in 2020; however, they were resumed in 2021 with greater forcefulness.
The academy is committed to the coexistence, conflict resolution through non-violence means, and the consolidation of effective mechanisms for citizen participation. Therefore, this article presents partial results of the research project “Memorias urbano-populares. Resistencia política de jóvenes en Cali y Bogotá (2021)” [Urban-popular memories. Political resistance of young people in Cali and Bogotá (2021)]. This research project aims to recognize countercultural identities and, in the future, strengthen local advocacy spaces and promote young political leadership. This document gathers diagnostic elements regarding young people mobilization. For its part, the research project to which this document is attached, is based on a social intervention project involving fieldwork and collective construction of memorial museums with young people, as well as the empowerment and strengthening of youth processes that have been integrated into the process, both in Cali and Bogotá.

keywords: Social mobilizations, Youth protest, Countercultural identities, Colombia

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How to Cite
Narváez Jaimes, G. E. (2023). Young people mobilized during the pandemic in Colombia: Analysis of cases in Bogotá and Cali (2021). Desbordes, 12(2).
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