Published 2023-03-22

México-Tenochtitlan or the Stone flower of the pre-Hispanic metropolis

Juan Sebastián Fajardo Devia

This article suggests an approach to the conditions of existence of the Mexico-Tenochtitlan metropolis during the 16th century in the Gregorian calendar. Compared to Venice and Constantinople by the Spanish chronists, the Mesoamerican stone flower structured its materiality according to a mythical spatiality in exact correspondence with a very complex cosmogonic system that centralized administrative and economical power in accordance with a sort of warrior mysticism, as it was named by Miguel León-Portilla, built from a tribal ontological mission that consisted of maintaining the flow of time itself (León-Portilla, la filosofía náhuatl). We will examine mythical experience as a scheme of ritual and space organization that sustained the dynamics of social relations of production in the city. We also intend to approach the role of war as a vehicle of signification and resignification of social structures through perdurable symbols.

keywords: Mexico-Tenochtitlan, Myth, Huitzilopochtli, Space, Nahua

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How to Cite
Fajardo Devia, J. S. (2023). México-Tenochtitlan or the Stone flower of the pre-Hispanic metropolis: Spatiality of the mythical experience, war and encounter of two worlds. Desbordes, 12(2).
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