
How to Cite

Castillo Acosta, J. D. . (2022). Curricular Pedagogical Strategies In Virtual Environments For University Students With High Functionality ASD, In The Subject Of Musical Reading-Writing. Desbordes, 12(2).
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Curricular Pedagogical Strategies In Virtual Environments For University Students With High Functionality ASD, In The Subject Of Musical Reading-Writing.

Jesús David Castillo Acosta Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo UDI

This proposal is part of the research line Virtual Learning Environments, whose general objective is the study of teaching and learning processes of teachers with students with ASD in virtual environments. The research process focuses on the need of students with ASD for the UNAD music program, and for this, similar research was found that addresses inclusion from the musical, but none provides a curricular modification. A frame of reference was built from theorists with bibliographic, pedagogical, psychological supports, contributions from entities that promote inclusion and discipline from ICT, music and from these, a methodological design of qualitative type is established with  phenomenological design and socio-critical paradigm, developing stages in the construction of the same; two survey-type instruments were applied to students in the condition of autism and 12 teachers of the  music program of the UNAD, resulting in the importance of carrying out the curricular flexibilization in the music program and the guidelines of attention for students with diverse disabilities in the music program, materialized in a web page with said flexibilization and a manual with the guidelines of educational inclusion.