Practices of the unset
The article reviews the idea of the unset as a practice in the scenarios of art, education and virtuality, based on an artistic / pedagogical investigative exercise called, Art scores, which questions the place of these three axes in their expanded practices, in link with the contemporary context and its possibility of generating narrative shifts. The question on the investigation of the art scores, which is traced throughout the writing, is based on two types of practices in which this exercise is developed: firstly, the exercise of art in which the body and the inhabit concepts are presented as narratives that open a gap for affecting and being affected. In this section, two frameworks are proposed that have been references for the construction of knowledge of the art scores, instructional art and living or performative arts. Secondly, the exercise of education in arts and virtuality is presented, in which is proposed the artistic / educational practice, through the concept of the transforming experience and the positioning of the subject as an agent of its own transformation. Finally, this exploration ends up being articulated with virtuality, (thanks to the disruption that the pandemic brought) which in itself already unveil other interrogations, and specifically the role in the current contexts of art, education and virtuality, inquiry that led me to consider the place of this territories of art, such as the art scores, which enable practices of the unset, that summons us to move to or move with (empathy).