The recovery of the historical and cultural memory of small populations as a device for social, cultural and educational recognition
This article presents the results of six research works carried out in the Antioquen municipalities This article presents the results of six research works carried out between 2007 and 2020 that focused on recovering the history and cultural memory of the following municipalities of Antioquia: Pueblorrico, Caicedo, Fredonia, Itagüí, Liborina and Concepción. This work explored, from the actors of the territory, the perceptions and importance of its history and tangible and intangible heritage and the strategies or inputs to manage and articulate it to the planning instruments of the territory. This was done seeing beyond the limits and physical-biotic elements, so it included socio-cultural, political, economic and educational dimensions. These works were carried out through the Research-Action-Participation methodology, in which the community became part of the research team. In order to do that, working groups were formed that addressed different areas, such as: local history, economy, ecology, education, sports, religion, culture, heritage, human resources and administrative life, among other areas. As a result of these works, eight printed books and eight digital books with the same content were published, which became part of the Municipal Chair of each investigated locality, so that current and future generations know their past and can imagine, dream and build their own future and, at the same time, see it as a device for social, cultural and educational recognition.