Published 2020-12-07

Stories told twice.

Ana Mónica Grismaldo Moreno
Alfonso Alberto Angarita Buitrago
Hever Míguez Monroy

This document is a travelled road in which telling the past has not been, strictly speaking, just a remembrance. The stories have been rebuilt and transformed taking into account how present has leaked out through the cracks of that past time. To put it in a more academic way, it is a new reading that reconfigures and transforms that past, insofar as it allows us to understand some of its processes and what they mean today in those affected by some of the victimizing events that characterized the Colombian conflict: displacement, enforced disappearance and homicide. Why telling twice? The first time in order to save the past from the interstices of an individual memory and in a certain intimate and particular way of the inhabitants of the municipality of Tibacuy. The second time in order to share it in a reflective setting that seeks to activate other memories. In this case, the memory that is to be rescued, from the stories shared by the inhabitants of Tibacuy on the UNAD Virtual Radio, is represented by the evocations of the students of the normal school of Pasca. They embody a look about what happened in his municipality. Although it experienced a very particular situation within the armed conflict, this reading is not part of the heritage of knowledge that feeds a regional perspective. The aim of this endeavour is to advance in a cartography of the incidence of the armed conflict in the Sumapaz region and in how the sensitivities that particular stories arouse make it possible to locate, reflect and build awareness before their own context.

Methodologically, the project was developed in the field of qualitative research supported by phenomenological studies that, according to Hernández et al. (2010), “... seeks to understand the perspective of the participants on the phenomena that surround them, goes into detail about their experiences, perspectives, opinions and meanings, that is, the way in which participants subjectively perceive their reality” (p. 358). When speaking of a project with a social scope, the qualitative view is complemented by an approach under the IAP methodology and, in addition, from a more comprehensive than critical perspective, which links the community as an incident actor, insofar as its perception of the reality, its reflections and actions determine the meaning and the consolidation of these actions in its territory.

Its techniques were participant observation, through an approach to two contexts: an initial approach to the community that is part of the victims' table and another to an educational institution, in which an approach was sought for the descriptive record of the various events that were analyzed and explored from various social, political and cultural orders; as some authors affirm: “It is not mere contemplation, it implies going deeply into social situations and maintaining an active role, as well as a permanent reflection” (Hernández et al., 2010, p. 412). The same occurs with ethnography, whose inquiry was about aspects related to their experiences, representations, meanings and perspectives on the issue of conflict, violence, and peace.

keywords: forced displacement, homicide, enforced disappearance, virtual radio, collective memory

Copyright (c) 2020 Desbordes

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

How to Cite
Grismaldo Moreno, A. M., Angarita Buitrago, A. A. ., & Míguez Monroy, H. . (2020). Stories told twice.: Victimizing incidents in Tibacuy and radio as intermediary of resignified realities. Desbordes, 11(2), 58-75.
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