
How to Cite

Lopera Molano, Ángela M., & Moore Acosta, M. F. . (2020). Journalistic agendas of the national and local media in relation to the indigenous and peasant communities of Tolima. Desbordes, 11(2), 98-123.
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Journalistic agendas of the national and local media in relation to the indigenous and peasant communities of Tolima

Ángela María Lopera Molano
María Fernanda Moore Acosta

This article presents the analysis of the journalistic agendas of three national media (El Tiempo, El Espectador and Semana Rural) and a local one (El Nuevo Día) regarding the indigenous and peasant communities of the department of Tolima between the years 2013 and 2020. Through a qualitative content analysis, categories were established to identify the themes of the 88 articles found and the existence of a socio-cultural approach to these communities above the productive approach, related to the efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural processes to mobilize the economy, despite certain environmental or cultural considerations of the territories. It was determined that the news focused on relevant issues such as the agrarian strike and the indigenous minga, but they left out central aspects of the identity of these communities and the reasons why they are fighting for their rights. This is evidenced by a partial coverage of these issues, which has not been maintained during the eight years investigated. Informative genres and official sources are privileged over sources from these communities that speak about themselves so that they are not narrated by other actors outside their contexts.