
How to Cite

Castro Chíquiza , L. P., & Corzo Camargo, J. D. . (2020). The emergence of the public concert and its implications on the social function of music. Desbordes, 10(1), 34-49.
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The emergence of the public concert and its implications on the social function of music

Laura Paola Castro Chíquiza
Juan David Corzo Camargo

Today's music is a show. Aimed to entertain an audience, that is far away from artistic creation by terms of social, cultural and location issues that leave the spectator with only a passive interaction with the musical phenomena. Both concert halls and open stages  and digital reproduction make a one-way relation between the public and the performer where the artistic process is configured through the appreciation of the former over the latter. Therefore, the actual relationship between music and society can be characterized as a contemplative process, with specific space and time, and its elaboration strictly belongs to professionals in this area.