Collaborative curatorship as a strategy for the online cataloging of art in a public space, in Colombia
This paper is the product of the development of the research project “Design and elaboration of a curatorial strategy through an online computer based system (wiki) to make visible and promote the circulation of artwork´s production in the different regions of Colombia through the MUNAD platform ”. The proposal aims to carry out a collaborative curatorial exercise that allows the documentation, selection, organization and dissemination of works of art in the public space in Colombia.
The project proposes a selection exercise based on the use of a WIKI system that integrates different works of art in public space by artists from the different regions of Colombia. Through this strategy, it is proposed to consolidate a database to identify categories of the different artistic practices, investigations and trends in the field of artwork production in Colombia located in the public space. This project has allowed the first semester students of the UNAD Visual Arts program to be related to a formative research process in relation to the identification of the artists' production in the different regions of the country.