Published 2020-04-27

Space for prologue or blank for coloring:

Juan Fernando Jaramillo Montoya

I love you a lot, a little, nothing (1975), novel by Colombian author Félix Ángel, is built from multiple textualities and formal strategies. That experimentation of language, seen as a taxonomic relationship between word (in all its manifestations and possibilities) and image, and as a semantic development that responds to the evolution of the character, is the center of the narrative, building a multitextual work that concatenates multiple visions of the world, allowing the narrator to explore linguistic tools that textualities provide: the encounter between the referential and the iconic dimensions. I love you a lot, little, nothing becomes a powerful vision of the narrator and Pipe, the main character. The techniques employed by Ángel confront the analysis of a narrator rich in discourse and a complex and plural character, so the novel represents a source of experimentation.

keywords: I love you a lot, a little, nothing, colombian literature, multitextuality, word-image, homoerotic literature

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

How to Cite
Jaramillo Montoya, J. F. (2020). Space for prologue or blank for coloring: : multiplicity of languages in I love you a lot, a little, nothing. Desbordes, 10(2), 128-147.
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