Published 2020-04-15

Body and diversity

Naindu Alonso Roa
Enith Franco Arango Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Jaime Enrique Torres Rivera Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

The pedagogical strategy Body and Diversity was conceived as a space for exploring alterity and otherness, which allows a journey through the body, from various reflections and from different thematic areas, mobilizing the participant towards the self- and awareness of one's own body. In this way, it is proposed the recognition of my body and yours, of these bodies in so much experience of perception, with meaning and from the senses. This search is part of a plurality of topics and participants, which has favored the articulation, on the one hand, with other groups and strategies of the National Open and Distance University (UNAD) and on the other, with external spaces, fostering reflection and strengthening the searches raised. This experience has allowed to develop and strengthen vital skills for the identification of the diverse functionalities of the wide variety of bodies that exist and the ways to perceive them

keywords: Body, diversity, senses, self-knowledge
How to Cite
Alonso Roa, N., Franco Arango, E. ., & Torres Rivera, J. E. (2020). Body and diversity: an experience of reflection. Desbordes, 10(2), 108-119.
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