Published 2020-04-14

Miradas (Gazes)

Jairo Jairo Moreno Ospina
Gladys Lenith Rojas García

Miradas (Gazes) is the name of an art exhibition that convened fourteen creators graduated from the Plastic Arts Degree of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, based in Tunja, Boyacá. The invitation was made taking into account that they had a permanent presence in the territorial cultural field. Finding different techniques, processes and plastic reflections that allow to detect trends that have been developing in the current art of the region. The exhibition takes two moments of public presentation, one within the academic scope of the institution and another at an exhibition hall in downtown that had access to a diversity of people. The mediation with the visitors led to consolidate the curatorial proposal as far as the readings that are made in the routes, these became meeting points where lines of tension and relationship between the works shown are detected. Amongst the guided tours, and due to the reaction to the works that the visitors expressed, some works are connected with similar ways of reading, not necessarily linked to the technique that help to generate pedagogical and taxonomic reflections of the exhibition. . Thus the exhibition is constituted as a moment where the meeting becomes possible and allows the interchange of gazes

keywords: current art, art exhibitions, Boyacá - art curatorship
How to Cite
Jairo Moreno Ospina, J., & Rojas García, G. L. (2020). Miradas (Gazes): a curatorship from the art museum of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC). Desbordes, 10(2), 66-91.
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