Published 2012-06-12
Artículo de psicología

Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress in People Over 18 Years of the Association of Physically Handicapped Quindío

Isabel Viviana Echeverri Muñoz
Angélica Herrera Riveros
Ángela Viviana Uribe Giraldo

The aim of this research was to identify the possible presence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a people group belonging to an association of physical disabilities in Quindío. A quantitative descriptive research was performed with sample of 20 people with disability, condition , legal age and physical limitation resulting from a traumatic event, to whom Davidson Trauma Scale was applied. It was found that 65% of population showed characteristic symptoms of PTSD, the age of onset of the disabilities ranges from 18 to 39 years old (65%), masculine participation in the study was 85% and 15% for women . It is concluded that PTSD is prevalent in the population under study, and although the remaining 35% do not show psychological disorders or symptoms associated with their physical limitations, their prevalence is lesser extend for PTSD, but may be significant in other disorders.

keywords: Disability, physical limitations, posttraumatic stress disorder.
How to Cite
Echeverri Muñoz, I. V., Herrera Riveros, A., & Uribe Giraldo, Ángela V. (2012). Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress in People Over 18 Years of the Association of Physically Handicapped Quindío. Desbordes, 3, 91-100.
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