Published 2011-06-12
Artículo de psicología

Social representations of life project, built by young people in the municipality of Zipaquirá

Sonia Bibiana Rojas Wilches Universidad Santo Tomas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Leidy Tatiana Rivera Velandia
Flor Ángela Sánchez Forero
Adriana Yaneth Escandón Sandoval

The article presents the main results of study, developed by the research group “Nomads” belonging to School of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, National Open and Distance University (UNAD) aimed to identify the social representations, built by the young people of neighborhood Zipa Vivienda Siglo XXI, through qualitative research to understand the configuration of life projects, images of the future, and the relationship they establish themselves and with their social environment.

The work made evident that the way to act in the present is conditioned by the vision of the future, thus affecting the current circumstances of young people. In the findings it was also noted
that social representations of young people about their life projects, are largely conditioned by the social environment and built from elements such as differences in age, gender and education level.

keywords: images of future, life projects, social environment, social representations, youth.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

How to Cite
Rojas Wilches, S. B., Rivera Velandia, L. T., Sánchez Forero, F. Ángela, & Escandón Sandoval, A. Y. (2011). Social representations of life project, built by young people in the municipality of Zipaquirá. Desbordes, 2(1), 11-22.
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