
How to Cite

Martínez Abello, J. M. (2022). Environmental conflicts in Colombia: a necessary approach from a peace approach: una necesaria aproximación desde la cuestión de la paz. Análisis Jurídico - Político, 4(8), 251-274.
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Environmental conflicts in Colombia: a necessary approach from a peace approach

Jairo Miguel Martínez Abello Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Environmental conflicts are one of the most important issues in the process of peacemaking and peacebuilding in Colombia. Our log lasting war as well as peace and environment are inevitably related in complex dynamics. This article shows how important is to understand environmental conflicts in the line of peacebuilding in Colombia. First, this text exposes one review of analytic perspectives about war, violence and conflict in Colombia in order to show how the environmental dimension was barely approached tangentially. Then, it exposes the origin of studies in environmental conflicts and how this line of research is able to understand relationships between these ones and war. Current historical challenge of peace building, because Agreement of La Habana, has defeated one necessary trend to study environmental conflicts since political, economic, historical and ethic fields. No peace is possible in territories where disputes about conservation, sustainability and environmental and natural goods are in the middle of capitalistic and violent interests.