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Territorial Approach and Sustainable Development Objectives: Development Programs with territorial approach in Colombia and their role in social sustainability

Diego Alejandro Álvarez Pinzón Universidad Santo Tomás - Sede Bogotá
Angie Paola Mendoza Alfonso Universidad Santo Tomás - Sede Bogotá
Jhon Alexánder Idrobo Velasco Universidad Santo Tomás - Sede Bogotá
Jorge And´rés Pinzón Rueda Universidad Santo Tomás - Sede Bogotá

This article seeks to highlight the importance of the possible relationship between the PDET and the SDGs, as a strategy to promote social sustainability that allows transformation and renewal of territories in Colombia in the framework of peacebuilding. In addition, to strengthen public policies from a bottom-up and participatory approach, to articulate the different actors in the territories.


The first moment presents the generalities of the SDGs and their 2030 global agenda. A second section explains the PDTs within the framework of the Peace Agreement in Colombia. The third phase seeks to generate reflection on the harmonization between the SDGs and the PDET, recognizing points of encounter and differences as a strategy that promotes social sustainability. In the fourth section of this article, we will discuss the design of participatory public policies from a bottom-up approach that allows contributing to the construction of peace; since the PDET and the SDGs are designed in the means of participation to respond effectively to the needs of communities and their environment. Finally, we will present the conclusions that show how the PDET with the SDGs could articulate in scenarios of transformation and renewal of territories in Colombia.