
How to Cite

Nichelatti, E. (2020). Human Security in Soacha through the local perception. Analysis of the impact of FAO’s and UNDP’s projects . Análisis Jurídico - Político, 2(4), 155-179.
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Human Security in Soacha through the local perception. Analysis of the impact of FAO’s and UNDP’s projects

Enrico Nichelatti United Nations University

The research wants to focus on the concept of human security through a qualitative analysis of the impact of some prjects developed by the Food and Agricolture Organization and United Nations Developemnt Pogramme in Soacha. The place represents an interesting case study for its particular situation. Indeed, this commune on the one hand still lives histirical issues such as extreme poverty, inequality, accumulation of land and displacement, and on the other hand represents a paradoxical union between precarious and developed realities. The study uses a qualitative technique divided in two sections. The first one is built on semistructured individual intervews with the project’s coordinators that examine the main issues with their implementation, while the other one is based on surveys with the local community that analyze the perception of the population of Soacha on human security. Regarding this part, the survey, composed by a preamble and eight questions, has been completed by 120 people. The results evidence that the population consider that there has been a slight increase in the human security during the last five years. However, the outcomes reveal also the persistence of structural issues, which perpuate the human insecurity