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Zambrano Sanjuán, C. A. (2020). Taming the Magnificent Beast: Analysis and deconstruction of the phenomenon of power from some perspectives. Análisis Jurídico - Político, 2(3), 257-290.
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Taming the Magnificent Beast

Carlos Andrés Zambrano Sanjuán Procurador Judicial y Docente Universitario

The power phenomenon has always called the attention of the human being, but with the same force with which power seduces, attracts and clouds the judgment those who come to hold it, it also generates in others eagerly the need to find the basis and the reason for that power and, especially, to put a limit on it, to control it, to justify its opposite: the right of resistance and civil disobedience. As we know, since ancient times, in Classical Greece with Sophocles and his work Antigone, or Aeschylus and his myth of Prometheus chained,
the humankind has debated the limit of obedience to the law, to the ruler, to power, and when, under certain circumstances, disobedience or resistance is justified or “protected by the gods”. From the hand of different analysis matrices, it is possible to find answers for several of these approaches, which allows us to reach a fundamental meeting point: regardless of the origin of the power or who hold it, it will always be absolutely necessary to establish some boundaries in their exercise, as well as control tools that avoid excesses in such exercise and that also offer remedies or solutions in case they arise. An in-depth analysis of power, of the structures that shape it and of the relationships it establishes in a society, is essential not only to understand
that society, but more importantly, to direct it towards an ideal stage in accordance with the basic and universal principles of well-being, prosperity and realization of both citizens and the entire society, within a framework of respect for fundamental guarantees and democracy .