Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)

Published: 2024-09-18

ISSN: 2619-4759 (En Línea)
Inicio: 2017 (ROAD)
Periodicidad: Semestral
Idioma: Español

Mental health in Colombia the promise of a preventive approach

Mayra Alejandra Hernández Merchán, Tatiana Bustos-Marín
33 - 42

Urine sample as a biomarker for human papillomavirus detection

Juan Camilo Zamora-Pava, Lorenzo Hernando Salamanca Neita, Laura Ximena Ramírez-López
56 - 69

Social appropriation of knowledge The Muña River from the point of view of its effects on human health

Viviana Andrea Gualteros, Dayana Rodríguez Morales, Ruth Mélida Sánchez Mora
92 - 107