
How to Cite

Gómez J, M., & Sierra G, J. (2021). The revolution of the epigenetics in the interaction of plant viruses and environment. Biociencias, 5(1), 83-95.
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The revolution of the epigenetics in the interaction of plant viruses and environment

Martha Gómez J Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.
Jennifer Sierra G, Universidad del Rosario

The organisms throughout history, have been controversial research, under different points of view, however the plant-virus relationship, has been seen where the interaction demonstrates striking phenotypic characteristics that involves an intimacy relationship with the environment, likewise, arise new perspectives, which allow the look at an evolutionary revolution of experiences and knowledge, that surround living beings, the epigenetics and the importance of inheritable changes in gene expression, which are reflected in the phenotypic characteristics, this I show the plants have developed mechanisms to resist climatic changes and virus aggression, which trigger defense mechanisms against viral attack such as DNA methylation, histone acetylation and post-transcriptional gene silencing.