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Barrero Pena, I. L., & Pinilla Sandoval, X. (2023). Didactic strategie for the inclusion of students with hearing disabilities for the development of digital skills and mathematical logical thinking. Documentos De Trabajo ECBTI, 4(1).
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Didactic strategie for the inclusion of students with hearing disabilities for the development of digital skills and mathematical logical thinking.

Iris Lucero Barrero Pena Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia - UNAD
Xesley Pinilla Sandoval Universidad Nacional Abierta y Distancia - UNAD

The admission of students with hearing disabilities to higher education has increased, therefore, educational institutions implement different inclusive strategies to guarantee permanence, equity in access to information, development of skills and learning results with the same opportunities given to hearing students. For this reason, this document will review different didactic strategies that have been implemented by Higher Education Institutions (IES), as well as the aspects or factors that affect the success of the strategies and that can trigger frustration and student desertion. All this in order to propose a didactic strategy that can be developed for the courses of Digital Tools for Knowledge Management and Logical and Mathematical Thinking of first enrollment.