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Factors that prevented the growth of the micro-enterprises established between the years 2005 to 2010 in the city of Popayán

Fabiola Beltrán Rodríguez
Yudith Caicedo

Although it is true that every year in the city of popayán, an average of 900 companies register with the chamber of commerce, companies that decided to legalize or start their business, it is also visible that approximately 50% of them do not renew their commercial registration after 10 years of survival, this taking into account data provided by the cauca chamber of commerce, this is the main reason behind this research; by means of which it is intended to find the factors that impede the growth of micro-enterprises in the city of popayán taking as an object of study those established between 2005 and 2010 in the city of popayán.  Very surely we will find micro-companies that have fulfilled the legal requirements to continue in the market but that have not grown as a company but have simply survived; if in time we detect the reasons why they have not grown, perhaps we can avoid their closings.  Undoubtedly, microenterprises make a great contribution to the country's employment, according to the report by confecamaras, in 2019 they occupied 99.6% of all registered companies, but something is failing, many close before completing the year of birth and others are still alive in the market but just as small and even smaller than when they started; the reasons can be many and thanks to the contribution of micro entrepreneurs we can carry out a study that will most certainly be of valuable help to those who have decided to undertake forming a microenterprise in the city of popayán.