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The effect of the fodder species over the interchangeable bases of sulfated acid soil in municipality of Paipa (Colombia)

Artículos de Investigación
Andrea Angélica Bernal Figueroa
Fabio Emilio Forero Ulloa

One of the limitations on acid sulphated soils (SSA) is related to the inhibition in the absorption of interchangeable bases generated mainly by excesses of aluminum oxide of change; this affects its productivity and limits the availability of nutrients for plants. This research evaluated in greenhouse, the effect of fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L.), forage turnip (Brassica rapa L.) and fodder radish (Raphanus sativus L.) on the interchangeable bases of an SSA, contrasted with a not sulfated ground, in order to identify species for management and rehabilitation of these soils in Paipa (Boyacá). An experimental design was implemented with 6 treatments and 3 repetitions in which the basis measurement was made in the ground before and after the species plating and the measured leaf area and plants height when their vegetative period ended. Several significative statistic differences were found (P<0.01) in the basis concentration, as well as in the variables in the leaf area and height of the plant. The results indicated that the growth of the turnip (B. rapa) and horseradish (R. sativus) fodder, along with the complementary use of calcareous amendments as a corrective, led to an increase in the concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, and Na in the SSA, and presented a better growth and resistance to them. Similarly, the planting of fodder beet (B. vulgaris) generated positive effects in the soil; however, the height and leaf area of this species were affected in the SSA, which limits their productivity.